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Jazz Lab

10:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Annual class fee: $180

Jazz Lab is a group for musicians who have an interest in jazz, but little experience with the genre or their instrument. This class is ideal for those with at least one year of experience on their instrument wishing to gain more experience, or learn a secondary jazz instrument in order to participate in Fusion. An audition into Intermediate or Advanced Band is required to join unless keyboardists, drummers, guitarists, or bassists would like to join; those specific instrumentalists will need to audition with the following material that can be found below.


Jazz Lab also includes a portion for theory, where students will learn the technicalities and inner-workings of jazz music, how to improvise, and will have some graded homework assignments including making recordings of their playing, written work, and introductory composing. 

Jazz Lab: Auditions

Audition Material

Students’ auditions into Intermediate or Advanced Band cover the audition into Jazz Lab. Only the following instrumentalists need to audition: Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Bass


Please note that you may register for a class prior to auditioning.

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